Smudging made easy with Sage Incense sticks
What is smudging?
Smudging is an ancient Native American practice of burning herbs to cleanse the energy of the space, crystals, or a person. Specially useful after a long, stressful day or after a fight/ argument.
It is of utmost importance for healers, to smudge after taking sessions.
Why Sage?
It is purifying and doesn’t just cleanse the air of spiritual impurities but also of bugs and bacteria.
Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition.
Smudging releases past traumas, bad experiences, or negative energies from others.
Uplifts the mood
Powerful cleanser for crystals.
Incense sticks make it easier to smudge.
Quantity: Pack of 10 Incense sticks